Friday, October 4, 2013


Wow! Reading my last post I thought "this gal has her act together!" Followed by..."oh wait, I wrote that." Hmmm... I'm really not all that pulled together. I'm actually more of the half-crazed, mostly frazzled variety. I blame it on my kids. Before having kids I really was somewhat pulled together, organized, on time and used adult words/phrases, rather than ones like "dont forget to wipe your bum-bum," "don't bite your brother," and " knock it off or you're going to time out (in the - empty- tub)." I saw a one of those "your ecards" posted on Facebook the other day by that described me exactly. It said "Talking on the phone to someone who has kids is like talking to someone with Tourettes." followed by "Yeah, I'd love to have lunch--DON'T LICK THAT--where do you want to eat?" Yeah, that's my life. Not just on the phone either. Bathroom, computer, talking to anyone. I have now just accepted that it's part of my conversation. My kids are awesome. That said, they are kids. And there are 5 of them. When people ask me what I do for a living I tell them I'm a zookeeper, then I explain I'm a mom of 5. They usually accept that. In general there's usually someone whining, there's laundry to fold, dishes to wash and a mess to be cleaned up somewhere. Kid #5 is almost 2. She's a walking tornado. I'll clean the house and as soon as I let her loose, it's a mess again. I swear it's a gift - the mess that child can make. So... don't think this gal has it all pulled together. But like I said - as long as I'M at peace, I can handle the rest of the hurricane. Which is a good thing, because this place is a zoo. And now I have to go make dinner, and let the tornado loose for awhile (she's been stuck in her high chair eating crackers while I blog).

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